Mumbai girl gets 12 gold medals in MBBS exam

Mumbai girl won a record 12 gold medals in MBBS exam mumbai girl gets 12 gold medals in MBBS exam
Mumbai, June 2 -

Pharrell G in Maharashtra last year. S. Medical College graduation ceremony of medical students who have completed their studies are held on the last Saturday. The ceremony was held in Nashik by the state's Health Sciences Center. A total of 68 students were awarded gold medals. The 12 medals, received 10,000 rupees cash performed by a student achievement.

Sipali parik The student's written in late 2006 and the second in the country aiciesci school final exam, written in 2008, ranking first in the state received in the medical entrance test. Now medical degree in education in general medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, obstetrics, Gynecologic women students have received top marks in programs such as the number one, at the top of the overall students.

If you are currently married and lives in England with her husband sipali on behalf of his parents, he received awards. He is the first physician in their home as his father, he is very happy about this achievement will be. Claiming that focused on pediatric sipali higher in the future that she and her husband returned to India, he said, carried out to the medical profession.

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