Kudankulam nuclear power station back to 1000 MW

Kudankulam nuclear power station back to 1000 MW Kudankulam nuclear power station 1000 power productive
Tirunelveli, June 18 -

Kutankulat Tirunelveli district, located in the first reactor began producing electricity last year. Gradually increasing the amount of production in the nuclear scientists.

The last month has been full-scale production of 1000 MW of electricity. After 4 days of 1000 MW, which halted production for testing.

Consequently, the nuclear scientists, the study was conducted from enjiniyarkal and the Indian Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The last 14 - on (Saturday) again increased the size of the product. Last night's full-scale production reached 1,000 MW. Currently, following the first 1000 MW nuclear reactor has been.

However Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant director Sundar said: -

Kudankulam nuclear power station currently is 1,000 MW. The officials and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Indian scientists are doing research. Now, the power supply will not be available commercially.

It has a few more tests to be carried out. Finishing it too quickly produce 1000 MW power commercially, the package will be sent to the central power.

Kudankulam 2 - All over the nuclear reactor currently under construction. There has been a high-pressure test. Over Heated test run this test. He then filled the fuel.

Thus, he said.


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