Air raid: Iraqi militants warned Obama

Air raid: Iraqi militants warned Obama obama threatens air strikes to iraq rebels
Pakupa, June 13 -

In Syria, the Sunni - Shia Muslim two parties before the war began, there were violent riots reflect a neighboring country has reached fever pitch.

Combining parts of Syria and Iraq to set up a new Islamic nation of El ISI. Two days ago, a terrorist organization, seized Iraq's second largest city moculai. Yesterday, with the fall of Saddam Hussein followed by the birth of their hometown tikrittum.

Their possession towards the capital Baghdad today jalavla Sadia and their surrounding towns and mountain villages were himrin. These areas are considered long-term nests for them is over.

Moreover, the blockade of the city before jalavla fighters to their offices, where they established security. There were no conflicts of power between the two groups. Fighters to help get rid of the occupation, Iraqi Prime Minister nuriki - al - Maliki appealed to the United States.

Followed by air attacks in their country as the U.S. President Barack Obama warned today. Government officials later insisted that there not send the ground.

The 2003 - Saddam Hussein in the minority Sunni community's grievances were down up the possibility of having to paint it not sectarian division in Iraq, Obama said the government had failed to do.

This awareness may be a warning call to the kingdom of Iraq, Obama said that the political solution should be found.

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