Rajini to start the next film with K.S.Ravi kumar

Rajini to start the next film .

The film gives a confirmed release date of May it was reported, Rajini's next film that is driven to the next match began.

Rajini gives gay dating back to the opening of the film. K.S.. Ravi Kumar is a motion picture that has been superseded information.

Then, cinematographer kV. Anand Impress story narrated by the remake, has confirmed to star in his movement. The film is produced by Kalpathy gore said.

In the news atipattanilai hectic few months, it was the Dhanush film with KV Anand anekan amunkipponatu.
Q.. k.S.. Ravi Kumar, KV Anand iyakkappokirar following the news of Rajini's next film in the base - Shankar.

The film will now be called the Shanghai rajiniye tetippoy next run was immediately told that it had agreed Shankar.

Rajini - Shankar to join the film, which will be 250 million, Kalpathy akorattai was approached, then make up to 140 million, more than that, I can not say if he had quit the film industry has become hectic.

Q. In this case, gives the film as the director cupravaicar. K.S.. Ravi Kumar, Rajni told a story and the story pitittupponat Rajini Rajini decided to do it in the next, and now started to say - in the film industry.

Furthermore, with the approval of Rajini say that Anushka asked to call sheet.

Sankaro ...  Rajini operator. K.S.. Ravikumaro up .. it says Rajni's the rumor.

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